Brother to Brother Mentoring Program
Men on a Mission
Please read about PayPal security precautions on our Giving/ Fundraiser Page before making donation.

Snacks for meeting – At each meeting, we like to provide snacks for the young men. Would you like to donate money for the kitty, would you like to donate pizzas, do you have a great pasta dish you’d like to share, or donate some sodas? Whatever you feel moved to do, we really appreciate it.
Drivers for Offsite Events – Occasionally we need drivers to get us from place to place. Our insurance would cover you and the young men. If you might have the time, let us know.
Towels for Annual Car Wash – We’re always in need of old towels for our annual car wash. Just drop them by 11 Pine Street on one of our scheduled meeting dates.
Fundraising Committee – Are you creative? Always coming up with wonderful and innovative ideas for fundraising events. We’re in need of your assistance.
Annual Pancake Breakfast – This is one of our major annual fundraisers and is usually held in December or January. If you’re available we need people to help sell tickets, run a raffle, set up, help decorate, make coffee, serve, and clean up. We also look for donations of butter, syrup, plastic ware, or fruit. Come out and support a great cause.
Paper Goods – We often find ourselves in need of various paper goods: toilet paper, paper towels, plates, napkins, and cups. If you’d like to donate money or just drop off supplies, please do so on any scheduled meeting date.
Advertising/Publicity – Do you have a special knack for words? We could always use your talents when it’s time to place ads in the Montclair Times, craft articles for Montclair Patch, or handle messages on our Facebook and Instagram pages. Let us know if this is up your alley.
Here’s Where I Can Help Best – Don’t see your specialty listed. Let us know what you’d like to do to support Brother to Brother.