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Letter from the Director

The role of a mentor has been a passion of mine for as long as I can remember, and the Brother to Brother mentoring program has allowed me to make this dream a reality.


The ultimate goal of our program is to help young people become productively engaged adult citizens—law-abiding, connected to meaningful work, in healthy relationships, and living in healthy environments. African American boys are likely to experience different outcomes as adults as, they face disproportionately high rates of suspension, expulsion, and drop out from high school, and are more likely to go to prison than to go to college, and to father children they will not live with or parent.


We welcome all young men in the program, no matter their background, and look forward to inspiring them to reach for their personal greatness.

My goal as a leader is to empower the youth to understand who they are and what they can become if they would tap into their God given talents and realize their purpose in life. It is with great pleasure that I have touched the lives of many of the young men who have gone through the program and we still have much more work to do.

Restorative Justice Montclair (RJM)

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Restorative Justice (RJM) was developed as a district-wide response to suspension rates, the racial and special education disparities in suspensions and the high levels of bullying in our schools. RJ is an approach to transforming school culture toward reparations and relationships and away from punishment and suspension. Rather than isolate, punish, and separate a child who is accused of wrongdoing, RJ is designed to build an environment and relationships of inclusion, shared responsibility and accountability.  



Restorative Justice Montclair (RJM) is guided by a philosophy that fosters social and emotional well-being, acceptance, empowerment and mutual respect for those who are impacted by and involved in conflict. 



Restorative Justice Montclair (RJM) is a collaboration of the Montclair Board of Education, the Montclair Education Association and our Montclair community. RJM seeks to cultivate an equitable environment where all individuals feel safe, included, heard and will benefit from shared learning experiences. 

The Importance of Mentoring Programs


Young men are exposed to multiple, positive role models, including business leaders from the community, group facilitators, mentor lead activities and their peers.  Weekly meetings create connections and trust that allow the young men and their mentors to talk openly and freely about the challenges in their lives.  Our offsite events, basketball games, getting to know you sessions, ​college tours, mock interview process, assisting Toni's Kitchen, and other activities help to nurture these relationships. 


Awards & Ceremonies


At the end of the year, we hold a Father's Day Breakfast and Award Ceremony, where we honor all those who participated in the mentoring program during the year.  All students who have met the attendance commitment are awarded certificates.  We provide all our seniors with Book Scholarships.  We also acknowledge and honor community sponsors and others for their help and assistance during the year. Our keynote speaker brings an inspirational message to those in attendance.  This is a wonderful way of giving back to the community and closing out the school year. 

Mindfulness Meditation Program


Thank you Fred Randall, of the Mindful Breath Foundation, for introducing our students to meditation and yoga.  Some of the benefits of this practice are:  less stress, anxiety, and depression; helps develop positive social connections, increases mental strength and focus, increases memory retention and recall, helps manage ADHD, and improves your immune system. 


For more information on classes, please contact Fred at

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